Analysis phase for the implementation of an Information Security Management System (I.S.M.S.) based on ISO 27001. Oriented to the media

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Esteban Fernando Castillo Durán
Fernando Illescas Peña
Andrés Sebastián Quevedo Sacoto


Introduction: The lack of an IS Information Security management plan. In the majority of companies, added to the lack of knowledge of the importance of adequate information security management (IS), it represents a problem for organizations. Objective: Through this study, offer a guide that allows management to significantly improve the level of security that the company has. Methodology: It has been decided to use the controls proposed by the ISO 27001 standard, adopting the framework proposed by MAGERIT for the analysis and controls based on MITER. Results: The initial study provided preliminary values of the current situation of the company with which, we can deduce that the level of maturity in I.S. is deficient, this was detailed in the report addressed to management along with the suggested recommendations for mitigating the risks. Conclusion. The need to have a I.S. management plan was evident. that understands all the necessary policies to ensure that the company's maturity level conforms to the standards established in ISO 27001.


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How to Cite
Castillo Durán, E. F., Illescas Peña, F., & Quevedo Sacoto, A. S. (2023). Analysis phase for the implementation of an Information Security Management System (I.S.M.S.) based on ISO 27001. Oriented to the media. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.1), 6-25.


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