Abandonment of the elderly and by family disintegration: San Cristobal case, Paute canton, province of Azuay

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Tania Cecibel Aucapiña Sinchi
Nancy Yolanda Fernández Aucapiña
Sandra Jackeline Urgiles León


Abandonment of the elderly is a form of mistreatment of the elderly, which involves neglecting or leaving in vulnerable conditions those who need assistance and care, it can occur in different ways, either emotionally, physically or economically; the study aimed to analyze the abandonment of the elderly caused by family disintegration: Case San Cristobal, canton Paute province of Azuay, the basis of this research had a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, the method used was deductive that allowed to know the facts and situations of abandonment of older adults and family disintegration in the parish, the technique used for data collection was the survey, we worked with the entire population comprised of 40 Older Adults as a unit of study. The results obtained conclude that most of them live alone, depend on their own care, very few live or receive support from their families, they are incredibly old people, which significantly affects their quality of life and hinders their social relationships.


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How to Cite
Aucapiña Sinchi, T. C., Fernández Aucapiña, N. Y., & Urgiles León, S. J. (2023). Abandonment of the elderly and by family disintegration: San Cristobal case, Paute canton, province of Azuay. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3), 49-64. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i3.2622


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