Online classes and its relationship with emotional exhaustion when learning the English language

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Rud Noemi Cunin Chimborazo
Carmen Genoveva Díaz Paredes
Diana Casandra Paredes Peralta
Romel Francisco Calles Jiménez


     Introduction: Online education has enabled the permanence of the teaching-learning process, emerging from the face-to-face modality to the online one, due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of online classes and its effect on the emotional exhaustion of the English language learning process. Methodology: The research was descriptive, with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional and non-experimental design. The study population comprised 103 students who were chosen through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The survey technique was used to measure acceptance of online classes; the "Emotional Exhaustion Scale" questionnaire for emotional exhaustion; and the “Placement Test” to establish the level of English. Results: The target reflected that 11.7% regardless of their gender was within the range required by the Ministry of Education (A2); women achieved better performance (13.3%); the skill that presented the greatest difficulty was Reading. Furthermore, 76.7% stated that the materials used are not didactic; 75.7% expressed their rejection of this modality. Likewise, 60% indicated that they do not get enough sleep due to studying; 83.5% presented fatigue and lack of energy. In the analysis of the statistical crossing showed that there is a low positive correlation. Conclusions: It was concluded that the majority of the students rejected the new virtual education system, identifying stress, tension, fatigue, among others., in the participants. Study area: Education.


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How to Cite
Cunin Chimborazo , R. N., Díaz Paredes, C. G., Paredes Peralta, D. C., & Calles Jiménez, R. F. (2023). Online classes and its relationship with emotional exhaustion when learning the English language. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.2), 147-166.


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