Influence of managerial performance on the organizational climate of public institutions in Ecuador

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Judith Mary Viejó León
Gladys Lola Lujan Johnson
Betty Maribel Delgado Bonilla


Introduction. Public educational institutions in Ecuador are always in constant change and even more so after the pandemic due to COVID 19, where virtual education reigned, and because of this modality of study it caused delays in learning. In this sense, part of the teamwork to make the desired changes move forward is closely related to the managerial performance model. Objective. It is based on evaluating the influence of managerial performance on the organizational climate of public institutions in Ecuador. Methodology. It was based on a documentary-type bibliographic design. Results. The institutions dedicated to education have faced fabulous changes at the level of public policies, laws, and regulations to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of education, which also implies quality in leadership and in the performance of those involved. Conclusion. Teacher performance is related to various aspects that affect the behavior of the group and the work environment, with special attention to managerial performance, since a good leader can achieve great advances within his teaching group. It is important to be clear about the administrative conditions that a public educational environment must know its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its weaknesses and strengths, to achieve the greatest possible benefit from the skills, knowledge, and performance of everyone. teacher within the institution.


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How to Cite
Viejó León, J. M., Lujan Johnson, G. L., & Delgado Bonilla, B. M. (2023). Influence of managerial performance on the organizational climate of public institutions in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1), 115-124.


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