Citizen perception in the personnel selection process in the Ecuadorian public sector: methodological proposal

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Fausto Benítez Troya
Yamilet Hernández Ramos


Introduction: this research article is based on the elaboration of a methodology to know the citizen perception in the process of selecting a person in the Ecuadorian public sector. Objectives: to develop a methodological proposal that involves the citizen who was part of a personnel selection process in order to know the opinion of the participant after a selection process with the purpose of improving the selection process by the institution that carried it out. Methodology: the methodological proposal is a questionnaire whose information base was taken from the review of the technical standard of the personnel selection subsystem and this questionnaire is made up of 12 items that frame the personnel selection process from the call to selecting to the right person who has passed all the steps of the selection process. In this investigation, the Cronbach's Alpha calculation method was developed, which is a coefficient used to measure the reliability of a test and in which 45 people participated who responded to the survey carried out according to their personal experience during a personnel selection process in the that I participate Results: with the information that was obtained and through Cronbach's Alpha and a Likert analysis in each item, the developed questionnaire was validated, obtaining a score of 0.94. Conclusions: the tool has a high reliability also in the present investigation and it is proposed that at some point the tool may be useful for its implementation in human talent departments in public institutions and therefore improve the selection process. personnel and highlight possible shortcomings. Study area: Human Talent.


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How to Cite
Benítez Troya, F., & Hernández Ramos, Y. (2023). Citizen perception in the personnel selection process in the Ecuadorian public sector: methodological proposal. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.1), 62-88.


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