Implementation of the simulation for the improvement of production processes

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Alexis Miguel Velásquez Jama
Betsy Olvera Moran


Introduction: Goods and services companies, to stay competitive, need to adapt and/or make continuous changes in the philosophy of industrial management, changes that bring uncertainty, so the simulation of industrial processes allows analyzing different scenarios that improve productivity and decision making. Objective: to evaluate the implementation of the simulation for the improvement of the productive processes. Methodology: it is proposed as a basic type of theoretical research, with characteristics that place it as a documentary, descriptive, non-experimental research, where there is no manipulation of variables based on the analysis of work information of a scientific nature in the field of productivity, Results: Different studies show that the simulation allows evaluating different scenarios, factors, proposal, Lean Manufacturing methods, at a low cost for the organization, obtaining data that allows improving decision making, changes in the guidelines in the productive processes, as well as the improvement product of the optimization of the processes. Conclusion: the effect of the implementation of the simulation in the improvement of the productive processes from a documentary theoretical perspective, the simulation has a positive and significant effect when developing a proposal, scenarios, in the evaluation of uncertainty and decision making., allowing to improve production processes.


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How to Cite
Velásquez Jama, A. M., & Olvera Moran, B. (2023). Implementation of the simulation for the improvement of production processes. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1), 75-86.


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