Collection protocol for blood and breast milk samples, and newborn blood, in a Type B healthcare unit, at the first level of care, Guaranda-Bolivar

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Maura del Roció Muñoz Naranjo
María Humbelina Olalla García
Jaime Jesús Calvache Arguello
Miguel Andrés Morales Sánchez
Cesar Rogelio Carrasco Ruano
Jorge Alexander Briceño Carrasquel


Introduction: In the province of Bolívar there are no studies that determine the presence of metals in neonates and / or mothers, despite the existence of predisposing factors, the investigation called Level of Lead in Blood and Breast Milk and Blood of Newborns, suggested the preparation of a protocol for the collection of samples, based on a rigorous procedure that ensures the application of best practices and the appropriate use of the available scientific documentation, for the development of this research it was considered to start from the basis of the existence or not of a protocol that allows the collection of these samples. Objective: To design the protocol for collecting newborn blood, and breast milk samples, which guarantees safety in the application of these procedures. Methodology: Research, qualitative-documentary-descriptive, based on bibliographic reviews extracted from thesis, doctoral papers, indexed articles, protocols, guides and nursing procedures, the Gonzalo Cordero Crespo Health Center unit of the first level of care was considered for the research type B of the city of Guaranda-Bolívar, taking as a study universe 18 health care officials who work in the Health Center, a survey was applied as an instrument to collect information that was processed by the SPSS statistical computer program ( Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Conclusion: The sample collection protocol is an instrument that guarantees user safety in the application of the procedures, quality in the collection and veracity of the results, for timely diagnosis and clinical decision-making.


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Muñoz Naranjo, M. del R., Olalla García, M. H., Calvache Arguello, J. J., Morales Sánchez, M. A., Carrasco Ruano, C. R., & Briceño Carrasquel , J. A. (2022). Collection protocol for blood and breast milk samples, and newborn blood, in a Type B healthcare unit, at the first level of care, Guaranda-Bolivar. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4.2), 89-102.


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