Refractory purification of contaminants from an effluent of the textile industry by electrochemical oxidation

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Martha Mirella Bermeo Garay
Marina Chanena Alvarado Aguilar
Jairo Sebastián Mendieta Bravo
Daniel Alfredo Leal Alvarado


Introduction: in the present work applies the advanced oxidation processes (POAs) with energy input in the refractory purification of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), dyes, heavy metals of a textile industry effluent. Objectives: the objective of this research was to purify refractory contaminants from an effluent from the textile industry, applying advanced technologies with energy input (by electrochemical oxidation) to minimize the environmental impact on water bodies. Methodology: for the study, a discontinuous electrochemical reactor of refractory transparent glass with a tank in the form of a cylindrical and lateral derivation, of a net volume of 0.865 liters was used in a potentiostatic mode of operation with different combinations of the electrodes. Electrochemical oxidation was developed with the arrangement of iron electrodes: two series, two parallel and the separation between 12 mm electrodes. This guarantees a treatment without using chemical reagents, using electrical charges through the proper arrangement of the electrodes. In the electrochemical process, oxiradicals are generated with an oxidizing potential higher than that of any chemical substance, breaking down the organic matter into CO2 and H2O. In this research, removal percentages greater than 91% were obtained in metals such as: hexavalent chromium, iron, and cobalt, 71.04% reduction in COD, 94.9% in color and 77.5% in total suspended solids (TSS). Results: the results obtained in this work managed to be within the parameters of the current legal regulations. Conclusions: This procedure demonstrates its effectiveness in removing refractory COD contaminants: dyes, heavy metals from a textile industry effluent, achieving a removal of 98% hexavalent chromium, 96.95% iron, 91.8% cobalt, 71.04% Chemical Oxygen Demand, 94.9% color and 77.5% SST.


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How to Cite
Bermeo Garay, M. M., Alvarado Aguilar, M. C., Mendieta Bravo, J. S., & Leal Alvarado, D. A. (2022). Refractory purification of contaminants from an effluent of the textile industry by electrochemical oxidation. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4), 145-160.


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