Development of new programming technologies and games applied to internet platforms as a didactic means of online learning of the English language

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Leonardo Mauricio Martínez Paredes
Nancy de las Mercedes Barreno Silva
Susy Natalia Gómez Zurita


Introduction: The article is devoted to the problem of creating an Internet platform for English teachers; said Internet platform is considered by the authors as an innovative didactic tool that performs all the functions of didactic tools and can be used for distance learning of English for a group of students; Objective: Design and implement an internet platform made up of technological tools that innovate the tools for learning the English language with university students. Methodology: The practical implementation of the theoretical foundations of game technologies in the design of the game "Tour of Ecuador" is presented: the goals and objectives of the game, the mechanics and dynamics are described, examples of tasks performed by the players are given. students during the game process. Results: The results of the application of the proposed game are analyzed. The main teaching methods within the framework of the sociocultural educational model are interactive. Educational technologies used in the educational process at different stages of training are distinguished by creativity, improvisation, authentic communication in the target language, and create favorable conditions for innovative and creative activities of students. Conclusion: By characterizing the available Internet platforms, the authors conclude that the proposed options do not meet the needs of foreign language teachers. Gaming Technologies, provides a brief description of modern game classifications, as well as gamification technology, its aspects and functions.


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How to Cite
Martínez Paredes, L. M., Barreno Silva, N. de las M., & Gómez Zurita, S. N. (2022). Development of new programming technologies and games applied to internet platforms as a didactic means of online learning of the English language. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1), 208-221.


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