Analysis of emotional behavior in high school students in virtual learning

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Juan Carlos Sarmiento Saavedra
Wilson Gustavo Chango Sailema
José Javier Mendoza Loor
María Angélica Troya Loor


Introduction. Education is constantly evolving and improving with the innovation of new methodologies, strategies, resources and technological advances. Objective. To compare the academic performance of education students through emotions to improve virtual learning. Methodology. Design science research was used. The methods applied were analytical, synthetic and experimental. The study was carried out in the "Nueva Concordia" Educational Unit, to a group of eleven high school students, obtaining a non-probabilistic sampling due to the world pandemic. The instrument applied in the survey was a questionnaire, which by means of the Likert scale allowed measuring the valuation of the student's emotions and for the internal consistency index the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used with a value of 0.82 of very high reliability and validity. Then, to indicate the degree of statistical relationship between emotions and grades, Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied. Results. The results showed that the emotions; happiness, surprise and disgust are positively correlated and the emotions fear and neutral negatively correlated with the virtual tutor's grade. Conclusion. The research allows us to conclude that emotions are not strongly correlated with the student's grade after the interaction, however they do influence it. This is due to the fact that all people are different and although some similarities are found in this sense it does not mean that they are fulfilled in a generalized way in all people.


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Sarmiento Saavedra, J. C., Chango Sailema, W. G., Mendoza Loor, J. J., & Troya Loor, M. A. (2022). Analysis of emotional behavior in high school students in virtual learning. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1), 130-152.


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