Virtual - methodological strategies and tools in times of pandemic (Covid-19), an approach to the teaching-learning process of the English language in higher education

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Manuel Francisco Bravo Bastidas
Diego Santiago Andrade Naranjo
Andrea Karina Carvajal Gavilanes
Mónica Alexandra Salazar Cueva


COVID-19 has affected most of the world's industries, mainly education, being the only one that has been completely transferred to online mode in most countries in the world. Online learning was the best solution for continuing education during the pandemic, especially in higher education. This study aims to determine the impact on English language learning and the use and application of digital tools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The contribution of this study is to evaluate the new experiences of students in online education and to evaluate the feasibility of virtual learning methods. This is achieved by analyzing the responses of 1,768 students based on the surveys conducted. A descriptive statistical method was used to test the validation of the study. I know that the main issues influencing and impacting learning English as a foreign language online during COVID-19 are related to technical, academic and communication challenges. The study results show that most English as foreign language learners are dissatisfied with continuous online learning as they would not be able to meet the expected progress in language learning performance, in addition to lack of training and updating of knowledge by teachers.


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How to Cite
Bravo Bastidas, M. F., Andrade Naranjo, D. S., Carvajal Gavilanes, A. K., & Salazar Cueva, M. A. (2023). Virtual - methodological strategies and tools in times of pandemic (Covid-19), an approach to the teaching-learning process of the English language in higher education. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 1146-1156.


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