Mobile Health as a tool in the prevention of bullying: case study higher basic education

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Genesis Dayana Pinto Almeida
Raúl Yungán Yungán
Evelyn Paulina Rovalino Ortega
Mirian Janeth Bastidas Carrasco


Introduction. The following paper addressed the use of mobile technology to identify and counter bullying among students who are constantly bullied and in various ways, they can be verbally, physically, psychologically and currently even virtually given by social networks. Objective. Verify through the technological use "Mobile health" bullying and identify the presence of conflicts between teacher - student and between students, in addition to establishing a mobile application, to generate empathy that helps prevent and manifest bullying both inside and outside the classroom. Methodology. For the research the type of methodology was experimental – exploratory to analyze causes and consequently the effect that occurs in those involved, in the same way the quantitative approach was used. For the collection of information, the survey was executed as a technique and instrument the structured questionnaire focused on students and an observation sheet aimed at teachers, as well as the T.A.M. method (Technology acceptance model). The population is the ninth-grade students of Basic General Education of the Juan León Mera La Salle Educational Unit. Results. For the test of the hypothesis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov found within the test parameter was used. Students said they were not intimidated by teachers in 69.2%, In the same way, 47% mentioned never having been offended by their peers, however, 36.8% said that occasionally they did. Conclusion. It was concluded that the AfriEndly application was well received and technologically accepted, using the T.A.M, that despite being few students who feel harassed the App contributed to 113 of 117 students who downloaded it on their mobiles.


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How to Cite
Pinto Almeida, G. D., Yungán Yungán, R., Rovalino Ortega, E. P., & Bastidas Carrasco, M. J. (2023). Mobile Health as a tool in the prevention of bullying: case study higher basic education. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 670-684.


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