Physical recreation in free time of higher basic education students

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Vicente Flores Bryan Efrén
González Córdova Carlos Eduardo
Sandoval Jaramillo María Lorena


This article is based on physical recreation together with the free time of the students of Higher Basic Education of the Theodore Wilbur Anderson Educational Unit to be able to know the use they give to their free time, and thus also know if in that time they do or they know about physical recreation, because in this age of online classes, many adolescents have given more time and use to electronic devices, which has caused them to neglect to carry out physical activities in the little or a lot of free time they have, That is why the general objective of this study is to analyze the appropriate use of students' free time in order to propose planning based on what physical recreation is so that students make better use of their free time, therefore which, an extensive theoretical and bibliographic review of various authors was carried out, this study was carried out through a descriptive investigation, to be able to analyze the The data collected was used a questionnaire carried out in Google Forms with 7 questions which gave the following results, the 17-year-old students of the Theodore Wilbur Anderson Educational Unit are the most interested in doing physical activities in their free time, in second place they are 16-year-old students and finally 18-year-old students, in conclusion it can be mentioned that, in the Theodore Wilbur Anderson Educational Unit, students belonging to Basic Higher Education that oscillate between 16,17, 18 years are the most active and more interested in the subject of physical recreation in free time.


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How to Cite
Bryan Efrén, V. F., Carlos Eduardo, G. C., & María Lorena, S. J. (2021). Physical recreation in free time of higher basic education students. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 440-464.


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