Determination of the unsatisfied demand for honey in the Morona canton, Morona Santiago province.

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Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra
Luis Abdón Rojas Oviedo
Tamia Elizabeth Noboa Abdo.


Introduction. Bee honey is an ancient product that has been part of human nutrition and other therapeutic uses, it is made up of sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), amino acids and minerals, which has made it a palatable food for man and some wild animals; Throughout human evolution, different ways have been sought to efficiently take advantage of this resource, which today has become a real business opportunity, especially in the rural sector, a space that provides ecological facilities and where sources of work and subsistence every day they are more scarce. Objective. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the unsatisfied demand for honey in the Morona canton, Morona Santiagoprovince, the document consists of, this objective tries to respond to the problem statement. Methodology. Part of a qualitative and quantitative approach, based on the inductive and deductive method, the population sample consisted of 372 households in the Morona canton, thus complying with the norms established by scientific research in the construction of this type of study. Results. An interpretation of the results of the surveys is carried out, considering that the most important data are those that provide information on the frequency and quantity of consumption of the product under study, by the population, which is key for determining the unsatisfied demand. Conclusion. It was determined that there is an unsatisfied demand of 11,968.01 Kg of bee honey, that 52% of the bee honey consumed in the Macas canton comes from the informal sector, that is to say that there is no quality control on this product, which There is a deep-rooted consumption of this product among its inhabitants since 73% of those surveyed responded that they consume it regularly, which undoubtedly favors the possibility of growth of these productive systems.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Parra, E. R., Rojas Oviedo, L. A., & Noboa Abdo. , T. E. (2021). Determination of the unsatisfied demand for honey in the Morona canton, Morona Santiago province. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 381-404.


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