Design and implementation of an early warning device using a wireless and mobile communications system to prevent traffic accidents

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Oswaldo Geovanny Martínez Guashima
Jorge Luis Paucar Samaniego
Edwin Xavier Guaranga Broncano


Introduction. An electronic device based on a wireless and mobile communication system has been developed to prevent traffic accidents. The signals measured in the driver were the blood alcohol concentration through a breath test and the heart rate. Methodology. Two physical blocks were implemented: processing block and control and measurement block and an alert and monitoring block consisting of two mobile applications compatible with smartphones. The communication between the blocks was carried out using WLAN technology, using the MQTT protocol of the application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI).  Results. The information was processed with the free hardware platforms Node MCU and Raspberry Pi, within the control and measurement block, on the other hand, the alcohol sensor detects a concentration level greater than 0.3 gr / l. This automobile cannot start then a notification is sent over the internet via the 3G / UMTS network in this way knowing the location of the automobile and percentage of alcohol, Within the processing block, the information from the sensors is received through the Node-RED platform, where the connection to the early warning service is made. Conclusion. It was concluded by monitoring the pilot´s biometric signals help to obtain control when operating machinery so requiring a user with high concentration and the use of wireless technologies makes it easier to obtain this information. It is recommended in the future to use the 5G network infrastructure, for better system performance.


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How to Cite
Martínez Guashima, O. G., Paucar Samaniego, J. L., & Guaranga Broncano, E. X. (2021). Design and implementation of an early warning device using a wireless and mobile communications system to prevent traffic accidents. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 333-354.


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