Design and control of an electric to thermal energy converter, using a wind-solar hybrid system as source

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Carlos Mauricio Carrillo Rosero
Alexis Abraham Aldaz Toaza
Luis David Moreta López
Alex Santiago Mayorga Pardo


Introduction: This research is focused on satisfying the basic energy needs of a small house that did not have electricity, located in the Río Blanco community of Yatzaputzán, Tungurahua province. Initially, and due to economic, geographical and environmental conditions, as a cold moor-type climate prevails, a hybrid wind-photovoltaic system was designed and installed for battery charging, which made it possible to provide lighting and use of electrical appliances; as well as providing hot water through a preheating system consisting of vacuum tubes and flat plate thermal panels. Objective: To generate electrical energy that allows adequate battery charging by applying a control system, in order to optimize operating periods of a converter that uses electrical resistors and converts them into thermal energy. Methodology: The tests were carried out by taking data in situ, considering the parameters of solar radiation, wind speed and average ambient temperature. Results: From the analysis carried out, it was obtained that the monthly average of the wind speed is to  with a reference height of  and the average monthly radiation takes values ​​between  to . To guarantee the correct operation of the converter, projections were made to determine the increase in water temperature, showing that the project has a high efficiency. Conclusions: It was established that by carrying out a preheating process and a constant supply of electrical energy from the batteries and generated by unconventional means with ambient temperature and initial voltage conditions in the Río Blanco community, they produce an average increase in temperature in the operation of the converter in the range of  to .


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How to Cite
Carrillo Rosero, C. M., Aldaz Toaza, A. A., Moreta López, L. D., & Mayorga Pardo, A. S. (2021). Design and control of an electric to thermal energy converter, using a wind-solar hybrid system as source. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 185-197.


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