Behavior of mortars with local aggregates from Zone 3 of Ecuador, during 3D printing.

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Marco Javier Palacios Carvajal
Sandra Gissela Ortega Huilcapi
Dolores Amada Gualli Bonilla
Mery Rossana Manzano Cepeda


Introduction. The 3D prints with cement and sand mortars were made with a fabrication printer combining with a standard type of printer the same one that was modified with an extruder to eject the mortar in a way that executes desired elements. Objective. To analyze cement mortars with sand to see their behavior during the 3D printing process, with aggregates obtained from mines in zone 3 of Ecuador. Methodology. The physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the materials used were previously analyzed at the National University of Chimborazo, whose results are of great importance for the analysis of the experimental tests elaborated in a prototype printer that allows this process. Results. It is evidenced that the two mortars described are printable. In addition, it is determined that for the mortar CH1 the material can be inside the injector up to 11 minutes and for TN1 only 7 minutes, times that can be without hardening, otherwise the printer nozzle is clogged. Conclusions. The CH1 mortar during printing forms more precise elements but its setting is slow and has greater deformations in each row, the TN1 elements are less precise but the setting of the mortar is faster than CH1 and generates less deformations.


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How to Cite
Palacios Carvajal, M. J., Ortega Huilcapi, S. G., Gualli Bonilla, D. A., & Manzano Cepeda, M. R. (2021). Behavior of mortars with local aggregates from Zone 3 of Ecuador, during 3D printing. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 220-234.


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