TIC tools in online teaching of complementary competences of networks and telecommunications in the Superior Institutes of Tungurahua
Main Article Content
This research project is essentially a brief analysis of the use and advantages of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT in the Higher Technological Institutes of Ambato, Tungurahua province, therefore the article is focused on studying the case of the Technology Career Superior in Networks and Telecommunications of the Higher Technological Institute "Luis A. Martínez"; for this, a preliminary diagnosis of the competences that students have in ICT was planned and executed, then the most versatile, simple and efficient computer tools that can be used strategically in the teaching and learning of complementary competencies of the career are highlighted. It was worked fundamentally under a mixed approach, and a consequent empirical and mixed methodology, same that at the beginning was clearly documentary and at the end a quasi-experimental phase was applied with a significant and representative sample of 108 randomly chosen students, with this it was possible to compare the effects and acceptance of ICT tools in basic subjects and specialty subjects through questionnaires applied to active students in the period 2019-II, that is, from November 2019 to April 2020, and finally with the information collected, a summary is prepared that suggests some websites and simulators available to all members of the institute's educational community.
Article Details
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