Obtaining the mechanical properties of a head, connecting rod and piston of a 100cc two-stroke mono-cylinder engine, applying reverse engineering

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Víctor David Bravo Morocho
Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez
Escobar Guachambala Miguel Angel


Obtaining the mechanical properties from reverse engineering or technological disaggregation of automotive parts and pieces allows us to know first-hand the chemical composition, structure, hardness, geometry, among others, that facilitate the design and manufacturing process in this particular case of a prototype connecting rod, piston and stub head, which are part of a 100cc two-stroke engine. For this purpose, both national and international standards have been considered to standardize the processes and that the results are comparable with related research, these standards being: ASTM E10-01 (Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials), ASTM E18-03 ( Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials), ASTM E3 - 01 (Standard Practice for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens), ASTM E407 - 07 (2015) e1 (Standard Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys), ASTM E1251 - 17a (Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry), ASTM E350 - 18 (Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel, Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and Wrought Iron) . For the particular case of the motor head, the following results are obtained: composition: 19.53% Silicon, 1, 798% Copper and 76.12% Aluminum (hypoeutectic composition), and quickly tempered in water, which corresponds to an Aluminum 392 series, with a hardness of 108 HB. The following results were obtained for the engine connecting rod: Microstructure composed mainly of martenite and austenite, the average connecting rod hardness is 61HRC, with the following chemical composition: 0.252% carbon, 1.103% Manganese, 1.179% Chromium, 0.296% Silicon, responding to Cr-MN steel, with a tempering and tempering heat treatment. The following results are obtained for the piston: piston hardness 30.3 HB, chemical composition: 29.49% Silicon, 5.657% Copper, 1.898% iron, responding to a hypoeutectic aluminum Si-Cu, and responding to a 300 series, with heat treatment of tempering and artificial aging.


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How to Cite
Bravo Morocho, V. D., Abarca Pérez, E. P., & Miguel Angel , E. G. (2020). Obtaining the mechanical properties of a head, connecting rod and piston of a 100cc two-stroke mono-cylinder engine, applying reverse engineering. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 510-527. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.1352


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