Analysis of the geometric characteristics of the lane width and infrastructure in the bus stops of urban public transport in the city of Riobamba

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Geoconda Marisela Velasco Castelo
Alexandra Patricia Guerrero Godoy
Gustavo Javier Aguilar Miranda


The following article focuses on the analysis of the geometric characteristics of the lane width and the infrastructure of bus stops of the urban public transport of the city of Riobamba, for which an on-site survey of the cadastre-type information has been carried out, preparing files where information such as the type was identified, identifying its geometry and the state of the stop infrastructure, as well as registering the existence of the type of horizontal and vertical signaling.

The importance of bus stops lies in the comfort of users when moving around in public transport, where they are exposed to a series of inconveniences that are aggravated by the varying weather situation in our environment. There are 16 public transport lines, which are grouped into 10 groups, relating the route of the route that the transport units carry out. The investigation revealed the real and constant problems that citizens have when using public transport stops to move from a point origin to a destination. The results obtained based on the analysis reflect the existence of horizontal and vertical signaling at the stops, around 30% have the appropriate stop infrastructure, in the geometric analysis verifying the measurements of the lane width dimension 8 groups comply with the regular regulations that allow the adequate circulation of public transport units.


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How to Cite
Velasco Castelo, G. M., Guerrero Godoy, A. P., & Aguilar Miranda, G. J. (2020). Analysis of the geometric characteristics of the lane width and infrastructure in the bus stops of urban public transport in the city of Riobamba. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 350-366.


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