Design, construction and automation of a milk skimmer for feeding in holstein mestizo calves

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María Alexandra Ramírez Orta
Gabriela Katherine Rosero Guerra
Byron Fernando Castillo Parra
José Vicente Trujillo Villacis


A prototype of milk skimming machine was designed, built and automated, in order to provide skim milk to the calves, in the hacienda la Maga located in the Cascarillas Precinct, Sibambe Parish, Canton Alausí, Chimborazo Province. We evaluate the use of three liquid diets: with skim milk, whole milk and milk substitute for feeding in Holstein mongrel calves in the growth stage. In the experimental test, we used a total of 9 calves of two months of age weighing between 60 at 80 kilos, we evaluated three treatments with three repetitions, we used a completely random block design. The results showed us that the skimmer machine prototype achieved 90% efficiency, obtaining 1 liter of milk per 1 liter of milk 360 seconds, in the calves, three were no significant differences between the treatments, they gained average weights in the milk descrem of 27.32 kilograms, whole milk of 26,00 kilograms and substitute milk of 24,67 kilograms, in the 60 days with a presence of diarrhea of 0,0% in the three treatments. The determination of costs by treatment it was $1111,18 for skim milk, $1059.40 for whole milk and $1024,50 for milk substitute. We concluded that the use of skim milk improves weight gain in Holstein mongrel calves, and economic activity of the herd rancher. We recommend using this prototype machinery to obtain skim milk and provide claves with a liquid diet, demonstrating efficiency and economy for the dairy producer.


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Ramírez Orta, M. A., Rosero Guerra, G. K., Castillo Parra, B. F., & Trujillo Villacis, J. V. (2020). Design, construction and automation of a milk skimmer for feeding in holstein mestizo calves . ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 275-292.


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