Analysis of quality of service in digital AM transmission through the use of codecs in USRP

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Juan José Pérez Insuasti
Mónica Andrea Zabala Haro
Alexandra Orfelina Pazmiño Armijos
Hugo Oswaldo Moreno Avilés


The objective was to conduct the study and analysis of the quality of service in digital transmission through the use of codecs in USRP. The development methodology defines the realization of the prototype for transmission and reception, starting with the selection of devices, the design, execution, and analysis of the results obtained.  It was made the study of the particular conditions in the transmission and reception of the signal in digital AM (DRM), the implementation of the transmitter in GNU Radio, the configuration of the receiver in HDSDR and Dream SDR. In addition to the cards Ettus USRP N210, Ettus USRP B200, and RTL-SDR REALTEK RTL2832U. The result of this study was the quality of the service evaluated with respect to the transmission speed (Kbps) and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to determine the fidelity in the reception of digital signals. Based on the results defined in the operating characteristics of each mode of robustness for a given transmission channel vary the values of the transmission speed and the signal-to-noise ratio, offering B mode better signal protection with respect to noise, while A mode offers higher transmission speed. Therefore, it is concluded that the DRM system uses the best sound compression technologies since it uses the MPEG-4 audio and voice algorithms that provide excellent sound quality at low bit rates with advanced audio coding (AAC).


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How to Cite
Pérez Insuasti, J. J., Zabala Haro, M. A., Pazmiño Armijos, A. O., & Moreno Avilés, H. O. (2020). Analysis of quality of service in digital AM transmission through the use of codecs in USRP . ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.2), 169-187.


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