Analysis of Quality based on the life of bearings mounted on an accelerated life test module

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Wilson Alejandro Huilca Alvarez
Cesar Daniel Arregui Toro


The bearings are elements used in the industries, whose failure implies a great impact on the production of the entire manufacturing company. Its operation is vital for electromechanical equipment with rotating elements, either on shafts or in the bearings of industrial machines. The present study proposes the implementation of a quality control by means of an np-type diagram to SKF 6204-2RSH bearings, which will sometimes be elevated to high loads in an accelerated life test module reducing their useful life and taking samples of determined quantities of bearings determining the amount of defects per lot analyzed, with the aim of knowing if it is possible to determine the quality control of these elements by the number of defects. The results achieved with reduced frequency in the useful life of the bearings, showing the defects that can be quantified and recorded in the np tables, to later be analyzed in the characteristic quality control chart. After carrying out the analysis of the control graph, prudent wear of the 10 lots analyzed was observed with the exception of the number 7, which shows a lag of the central line and a surplus of the ranges, accessories along the lower line and exceeded respectively , leading the study to suppose that the bearings part of this lot could be rejected before its operation in the hypothetical case of entering production and manufacturing. It should be noted that in the present analysis there were lubrication factors that were not selected and that may be subject to future research focused on changes that may be surgical under changes in the conditions of the lubricant applied to the bearings.


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Huilca Alvarez, W. A., & Arregui Toro, C. D. (2020). Analysis of Quality based on the life of bearings mounted on an accelerated life test module. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 145-161.


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