Economic impact in the system of production of the canton El Pangui, for the leptospira incidence

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Marcelo Eduardo Moscoso Gómez
Diana Elizabeth Loroña Alarcón
Siza Amaguay Martha Yolanda


Leptospirosis caused by bacteria is a disease that affects bovine production and can also impact humans due to the zoonotic nature of its causative agent.

In bovine production, leptospirosis causes a high economic impact, which is one of the main agents that cause abortions, fetal reabsorption, infertility, weak neonates and decreased milk production. To corroborate the aforementioned, the study was carried out in the south of the Ecuadorian Amazon, in the parishes: Tundayme, El Güismi, El Pangui and Pachicutza of the canton El Pangui, province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, located at 820 meters above sea level, with a sample of 213 bovine females older than 2 years of age, not vaccinated against leptospirosis. Once the study is completed, it can be concluded that 12.21% of leptospirosis is found in the canton of El Pangui for bovine females of reproductive age; the incidence being relatively low, compared to other studies. In the financial analysis projected to 7 years of productive activity of dual purpose cows, the financial profitability indicators TIR, VAN, B / C were positive, as long as good sanitary practices are carried out and the animals are not affected by any reproductive disease such as this is the case of leptospirosis. The economic impact of leptospirosis on the producer's family economy is evident in the generation of abortions, with which the approximate value of $ 300 per year is lost by the offspring, there is a loss in milk production and, in addition, the sick animal can be transform into a contagious focus of infection for the entire bovine and human population, assuming greater losses in the squalid peasant economy.


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How to Cite
Moscoso Gómez, M. E., Loroña Alarcón, D. E., & Martha Yolanda, S. A. (2020). Economic impact in the system of production of the canton El Pangui, for the leptospira incidence. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 122-131.


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