Elaboration and characterization of goose flour from three varieties, (pumpkin, pauccar, mestiza), for use in meat products

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Marcia Shicela Yungán Garcés
José Miguel Mira Vásquez
Armando Vinicio Paredes Peralta
Fredy Patricio Erazo Rodríguez


The oca flour was elaborated from three different varieties (Mixed (V1), Pauccar (V2) and Squash (V3)) for its use in fine-grained meat products, the physical, chemical, microbiological, functional and sensorial characteristics were evaluated. The physical characteristics were analyzed applying the NTE INEN 0154 standards for test sieves and NTE INEN 0157 in order to determine the particle size, for the chemical agents, the Association of Official Analitycal Chemists method was used, through the microbiological analysis the NTE INEN 616 standard parameter was carried out, in the functional areas the Anderson technique was applied and a descriptive model for the sensory analysis was implemented. The investigation was distributed under a completely randomized design, with 5 repetitions and an experimental unit of 500 grams, using the Tukey test (P≤0.05). The nutritional composition determined average values of the three varieties such as: Humidity: 8.60 %; Fat: 1.73 %; Fiber: 6.76 %; Protein: 6.32 %; Ashes: 5.18 %; Carbohydrates: 71.42 %. An average performance of 28 % was obtained from the three varieties and in the granulometry test the Mixed variety obtained the 89.09 % which went through the sieve with a diameter of 250 microns. Microbiological tests indicated that molds, yeasts and coliforms presented very low levels that fulfilled the requirements established in the INEN 616 (2015) standards. The parameters studied in the functional properties presented significant differences reaching values such as: Absorption Index: 3.54 mL/g; Retention Capacity: 7.81 mL/g; Solubility Index: 4.06 % and Swelling Power: 3.59 g.  It was demonstrated that the mixed variety (V1) was the most accepted, presenting the best sensory attributes with 100% acceptability. It is concluded that the three varieties of oca flours can be used in the preparation of fine-grained meat products (Mortadella, Viennese sausage, Frankfurter).


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How to Cite
Yungán Garcés, M. S., Mira Vásquez , J. M., Paredes Peralta , A. V., & Erazo Rodríguez , F. P. (2020). Elaboration and characterization of goose flour from three varieties, (pumpkin, pauccar, mestiza), for use in meat products. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.1), 108-121. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i2.1.1223


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