Evaluation of the impact energy absorption capacity and hardness in 3D printed specimens of PLA and ABS with cubic and tri-hexagonal structure

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Miguel Ángel Escobar Guachambala
Javier José Gavilanes Carrión Gavilanes Carrión
Mesías Heriberto Freire Quintanilla


Currently, custom orthotics are being built for physical rehabilitation using 3D rapid prototyping, due to this it is important to know their mechanical resistance, due to it has been proposed to test 3D printed specimens with PLA and ABS filaments. The test specimens were designed using CAD software, based on ASTM D256; Later they were 3D printed with a cubic and tri-hexagonal filling structure in PLA and ABS materials. Several tests were carried out to analyze the resistance of the test pieces: the Izod pendulum impact test, microscopy of the breaking surface and the SHORE D hardness analysis. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the 3D printed specimen with ABS offers greater absorption of impact energy with respect to the PLA specimen; The filling structure of the test piece that gives the greatest mechanical resistance is the cubic structure compared to the tri-hexagonal structure. Furthermore, it is determined that the hardness of the PLA specimen is greater than that of the ABS specimen, finally it was observed that the fracture of the PLA specimen is linear, while the fracture of the ABS specimen is zigzag shaped.


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How to Cite
Escobar Guachambala, M. Ángel, Gavilanes Carrión, J. J. G. C., & Freire Quintanilla, M. H. (2020). Evaluation of the impact energy absorption capacity and hardness in 3D printed specimens of PLA and ABS with cubic and tri-hexagonal structure. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2), 17-33. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i2.1204


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