Mobile application for patient medical history management

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Wilmer Cunuhay Cuchipe
Diego Jácome Segovia
Johnny Vergara Brito
Efraín Velasteguí López


This paper is focused in the interest of modifying the information processes, associated to the treatment of the patients in order to solve the inadequacies of the incorrect procedures and the ways of management that interfered with a full service of attention to the patients. The management processes that are administered within the clinic are performed dynamically and interactively. The system is multiplatform, and its use is through a domain previously defined by authorized people, the security and privacy of the information is in charge of each member of the clinic that has a user and password to enter. The data records are composed in the following way: Doctor, patient, nurses, doctor's specializations, examination records, medications, patient history and schedules for patient review. This research paper specifies how to implement a mobile application that allows the management of the patient's medical records process at the Santa Cecilia clinic within the technology department. The survey was applied in order to determine if the implementation of the mobile application is feasible. The methodology used was Mobile-D because it conforms to the agile development project with its respective phases. As a result, it can be specified that the mobile application was favorable for a better process of information management within the clinic.


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How to Cite
Cunuhay Cuchipe, W., Jácome Segovia, D., Vergara Brito, J., & Velasteguí López, E. (2020). Mobile application for patient medical history management. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 351-370.


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