Bloom´s taxonomy usage on learners´ listening skills enhancement

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Alexandra del Rocío Saquinga Yanchapanta
Mónica Narciza Orbea Peñafiel
Gabriela del Rocío Armijos Ango


The purpose of this paper was to present the results obtained during a study conducted at the Technical University of Ambato, in which some data gathered was the base to analyze students’ listening skills improvement at A1 level using different activities founded on Bloom's Taxonomy. In order to establish the relationship between the variables a survey was applied to 153 students of A1 level at the language Center. The survey results were considered to apply different activities in an experimental group which was chosen randomly. These activities were focused on several listening tasks based on the learning level of Blooms’ taxonomy. Furthermore, every activity developed in the classroom was conducted from the most uncomplicated to the most complex activity so that students could improve their listening comprehension. Once the data was interpreted and tabulated, the established hypothesis was corroborated through the application of the Chi-square formula, which demonstrated the improvement in the listening comprehension using Bloom’s taxonomy.  Finally, several conclusions were formulated considering the most important students’ opinions. This fact showed the students’ awareness in their listening skill improvement. Moreover, the development of the activities allowed them to be able to see the benefits in the process of learning and communication in English. Therefore, they were conscious about the difficulty in the comprehension of different aspects such as: distinguish   the main idea, details, summarize information or give their opinion about the topic listened.


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Saquinga Yanchapanta, A. del R., Orbea Peñafiel, M. N., & Armijos Ango, G. del R. (2020). Bloom´s taxonomy usage on learners´ listening skills enhancement. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 334-350.


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