Needs Analysis: Case Study for Curricular Innovation in an ESP Course

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David Antonio Ureña Lara
Diana Carolina Campaña Días
Maria Yadira Cardenas Moyano
Jaime Oswaldo Mora Lara


The present scientific article explored the students' perceptions of an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) English course in the Medicine career at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Besides, this research had as its main objective to perform a Needs Analysis for students of the Medicine career in order to identify their needs, wants and lacks in concordance with their English learning for their future professional lives. To this end, questionnaires were administered to seventy six students of the Medicine career in order to obtain relevant information about the student´s perceptions about ESP to identify and propose a solution for the needs, wants (performance) and lacks (causes) of their English course. Thus, the Needs Analysis was conducted with the perceptions obtained from the participants which responses were related to the implementation of the ESP approach in their course. The main findings of this research are related to the basic principles of ESP, which are the future needs of the English language, ESP content, ESP language skills and the use of ESP for student’s future professional lives. The analysis of student perceptions through the Needs Analysis application is the main reference point for the implementation of an ESP course for future syllabus implementation and innovations of the career curriculum.


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How to Cite
Ureña Lara, D. A., Campaña Días, D. C., Cardenas Moyano, M. Y., & Mora Lara, J. O. (2020). Needs Analysis: Case Study for Curricular Innovation in an ESP Course. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 118-132.


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