The Conciencia Digital journal is presented as a means of scientific dissemination, it is published electronically quarterly, it covers multidisciplinary topics (all areas of knowledge), it is a peer-reviewed journal.

The Conciencia Digital journal is presented as a means of scientific dissemination, it is published electronically quarterly, it covers multidisciplinary topics (all areas of knowledge), it is a peer-reviewed journal.

  • Editor in Chief:DrC. Efraín Velasteguí López PhD.
  • ISSN (online): 2600-5859
  • Frequency:Quarterly
  • SJIF Journal Impact Value:[SJIF 2020 = 5.55]

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Vol. 8 No. 1.1 (2025): Herramientas Tecnológicas

Published: 2025-02-17

Wastewater treatment for the community of Hualcanga San Luis, Canton Quero, Province of Tungurahua.

Introduction. The design of the sewer system and wastewater treatment plant for the Huancalga San Luis community, located in Quero canton, Tungurahua province, arises as a solution to recurring environmental and sanitary issues such as sewer collapses, foul odors, network blockages, and the spread of diseases caused by improper wastewater management. The community faces deficiencies in its sanitation infrastructure, negatively impacting public health and the environment. Objective. This study is based on a detailed diagnosis of the community’s current situation, considering its population growth, topographical conditions, and soil characteristics. Based on this analysis, the objective is to design an efficient and sustainable sewer system and treatment plant that comply with current regulations and adapt to local needs. The research includes a theoretical framework covering fundamental concepts of sanitation, wastewater treatment, and applicable environmental regulations. Methodology. The methodology involves field studies, topographic surveys, flow and water quality analyses, and hydraulic modeling to ensure a proper and functional design. Technical criteria are considered for material selection, network sizing, and treatment technologies that enable effective wastewater purification before final disposal. Results. The expected results include reducing environmental pollution, mitigating health risks, improving residents' quality of life, and complying with technical regulations. Implementing this infrastructure will contribute to the community’s sustainable development, ensuring proper wastewater management and promoting a healthier environment. Conclusion. The implementation of the sewage system and the treatment plant will improve the quality of life in Huancalga San Luis, reducing pollution and health risks. This project guarantees efficient and sustainable management of wastewater, promoting a healthier environment. General Area of Study: Environmental sanitation. Specific area of study: Wastewater treatment. Type of study: Original articles.

Galo Wilfrido Núñez Aldás, Alex Xavier Frías Torres, Jorge Javier Guevara Robalino, Darwin Joel Lozada López


Evaluation of a pasture of Medicago sativa var. CUF 101 (alfalfa) plus Plantago lanceolata (forage plantain) using crop booster technology at the Tunshi experimental station

Introduction. Livestock farming in Ecuador is based on grazing, covering 73% of cultivable pastures and 27% of natural pastures. Implementing modern technologies, such as the Crop Booster irrigation system, has improved efficiency in forage production by optimizing the absorption of water, nitrogen, and light. Objective. To evaluate a pasture of Medicago sativa var. CUF 101 (Alfalfa) combined with Plantago lanceolata (Forage Plantain) using Crop Booster technology at the Tunshi Experimental Station. Methodology. 36 experimental units of 85 m² (17x5 m) were used, establishing a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with a two-factor arrangement of 2 treatments and 6 repetitions. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test were performed with a significance level of P ≤ 0.05. Results. At 40 days, applying Crop Booster resulted in an average height of 64.17 cm, basal coverage of 15.17%, and aerial coverage of 23.17%. The production of green forage and dry matter was 18.67 t/FV/ha/cut and 4.81 t/DM/ha/cut, respectively. The benefit/cost analysis showed a profitability of 1.46 USD when using Crop Booster in the forage mixture. Conclusion. The use of Crop Booster improved pasture yield and profitability; therefore, it is recommended to expand its study and transfer the results to livestock producers to optimize forage production. General Area of Study: Agronomy. Specific area of study: Forage production. Type of study: Original article.

Decsy Mariuxi Gualinga Ulcuango, Pablo Antonio Mancheno Neira , Santiago Fahureguy Jiménez Yánez, Marco Bolívar Fiallos López


Boosting profitability: the motivation of human talent as a key factor for success in financial auditing companies in the city of Quito

Introduction: In the current context of globalization and competition, financial auditing firms in the city of Quito face significant challenges that require a renewed focus on their human capital. The motivation of human talent is presented as a highly strategic element fundamental to boost the profitability and sustainable success of these organizations. This article seeks to show the importance of maintaining a motivated staff in any area of work, even more so in those that handle procedures as sensitive for companies as finance, which require a structured analysis under regulations which implies high commitment, work competencies according to their functions and autonomy to lead in-depth analysis processes.  Components of engagement as a basic tool for human influence in organizations. Objectives: In the context of financial auditing firms in Quito, objectives related to the motivation of human talent are important to ensure the profitability and success of the company. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to implement strategies that create a positive work environment, where employees feel valued and committed to the organization's mission. Methodology: The use of dependent and independent variables is vital to understanding how human talent is motivated in financial auditing companies in Quito. These variables make it possible to see relationships that can greatly affect the profitability and performance of the organization. Results: The results obtained in the study on the motivation of human talent in financial audit firms in the city of Quito reveal a significant link between job satisfaction and business profitability, which raises questions about how this impact can be maximized through specific strategies. As you invest in employee professional development, the quality of customer service not only improves, but you could explore the various ways in which this improvement translates into customer loyalty and financial growth, leading us to question whether all types of investment produce the same results. Conclusions. Throughout the analysis, it has been shown that employee satisfaction and commitment have a direct impact on the quality of the service offered, which, in turn, affects the ability to retain customers. However, it is essential to continuously question and evaluate the motivation strategies implemented, as they must adapt to the changing dynamics of the work environment and the individual needs of employees. Motivational strategies, which include a positive work environment, career development opportunities, and performance recognition, not only foster a sense of belonging among employees, but also boost their productivity and creativity. This link between the motivation of human talent and financial results underscores the importance of investing in human capital as a strategic asset that can offer sustainable competitive advantages over time. General area of study: Business Administration. Specific area of study: Human Talent. Item type: Original.

Maria Cristina Araque Salazar, Willam Marcelo Moreno Cazar, Roberto Xavier Manciati Alarcón


The Educaplay tool for didactic reinforcement of literacy in elementary-level students

Introduction. Currently, the rapid advancement of technology has transformed various aspects of daily life, demanding its integration into the educational field. This is especially relevant for students growing up immersed in a digital environment. Education must adapt to the needs and characteristics of these new generations using interactive tools that increase their motivation and facilitate the learning process. Objective. To explore the impact of the EDUCAPLAY tool on strengthening literacy skills in elementary-level students. Methodology. The study was conducted in a rural school in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador, involving 76 students from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades, along with three teachers. A mixed approach was applied, using both quantitative and qualitative methods, including Likert-scale surveys and observation to evaluate key areas such as reading comprehension and written production. Results. The results showed significant interest in improving participants’ literacy skills. The potential of educational technologies, such as EDUCAPLAY, to transform the teaching and learning process was highlighted. Conclusion. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating digital tools like EDUCAPLAY in classrooms, not only to motivate students but also to optimize their performance in fundamental skills. General Area of Study: Education. Specific Area of Study: Social Sciences. Type of Study: Literature Review.

Cindy Verónica Santos Rodríguez, Anabel del Rosario González González, Ángel León Coloma Carrasco, Ivonne Priscilla León Espinoza


Influence of artificial intelligence and its effect on the learning outcomes of first-year high school students

Introduction. Artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative tool in education with the potential to personalize teaching and improve learning outcomes, however its implementation raises concerns about possible technological dependencies and the need for appropriate pedagogical strategies. This study analyzes the influence of artificial intelligence on first-year high school students at the Hermano Miguel De La Salle Cuenca Private Educational Unit. Objective. To evaluate the influence of artificial intelligence and its effect on students' academic performance to compare its effectiveness as an educational tool. Methodology. A mixed design was employed combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, the tools included classroom observations, pre- and post-use surveys of AI, in addition to the t-test of paired samples to compare academic performance before and after the use of these technologies. Results. The findings indicated significant improvements in academic performance when using AI tools with an outstanding average for homework compared to those developed in class, therefore a moderate technological dependence was identified that highlights the importance of balanced pedagogical strategies. Conclusion. The study provides empirical evidence on the positive impact of AI on learning while pointing to the need to guide its use to avoid dependencies. It provides a basis for designing pedagogical strategies that combine technological innovation with traditional methods, ensuring ethical and meaningful learning. Area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Pedagogy.

Daniel Javier Fernández Morales, Natalia Verónica Jiménez Reinoso, Katty Lagos Ortiz, Tatiana Tapia Bastidas


Hospital cost management with a focus on the ICU: systematic review

Introduction: The hospital ICU is one of the areas that requires the greatest economic resources, because highly critical patients are cared for there and must have the conditions available to guarantee their agile and successful recovery. Objective: Conduct a systematic review on hospital cost management with a focus on the ICU, to estimate its importance in improving the quality of health services and expose the need for permanent improvement as a requirement to provide timely care that contributes to the well-being of critically ill patients and their families. Methodology: Integrative systematic review, 20 articles were analyzed in scientific search engines based on Boolean descriptors and operators. As inclusion criteria, articles from 2020-2025 in English and Spanish published in indexed journals were accepted. Results: The ICU absorbs 60% of the costs consumed in health establishments, where health personnel, medications, and diagnostic instruments participated with the highest proportion; however, according to prorated, standard, activity-based costing methods (ABC), the property, plant, and equipment account, made up of infrastructure, technological devices, and medical instruments, also occupies a predominant place in cost management in critical areas. Conclusions: It was concluded that optimal management of hospital costs in the ICU is essential to maintain high quality standards of health service to critically ill patients, with positive repercussions on managerial decision-making, patient well-being and the beneficiary community. General study area: Health. Specific area of ​​study: Intensive care, cost management. Type of study: Original article.

Lisbeth Lisette Zamora Muñoz, Jessica Mercedes Villón Vera, Adriana Paola Parrales Remache, Bryan Alexander Zoleta Mejía


Use of the digital tool ReadTheory as a reinforcement of learning in reading comprehension

Introduction. Reading comprehension is key in education, but traditional methods sometimes fail to capture students' interest in the digital age. Tools like ReadTheory, which offer interactive exercises tailored to each student's level, help improve both motivation and performance. Technology, thus, makes learning more dynamic and effective. Objective.  Highlight how digital tools like ReadTheory enhance reading comprehension, making learning more dynamic, personalized, and engaging, surpassing traditional methods and boosting academic performance. Methodology.  The study adopts a quantitative approach, as it aims to measure the acceptance pathways for the use of ReadTheory in students' reading comprehension. Performance was measured before and after the intervention through tests, weekly participation tracking on the platform, and satisfaction surveys. The research focused on first-year high school students at the "Unidad Educativa Ocho de Enero." Results. They show that most students value reading comprehension as essential for their professional and academic development. A high percentage recognize the need to improve their reading skills. Although reading outside the classroom is not common, many are interested in using digital tools like ReadTheory to enhance their reading comprehension, highlighting the ease of use and motivation the platform provides. Additionally, students perceive significant improvements. Conclusion. The use of ReadTheory improves reading comprehension by offering personalized learning, but its success depends on student engagement, teacher support, and equitable access to technology. To maximize its effectiveness, it must be integrated into the curriculum and overcome challenges such as technological infrastructure, promoting student autonomy and motivation. General area of study: Pedagogy. Specific area of study Use of the digital tool ReadTheory as a reinforcement of learning in reading comprehension Type of study: Original articles.

Jefferson Efren Baque Pin, Juan Manuel Guaigua Guaigua, Dayron Rumbaut Rangel


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