Collaborative learning and physical education pedagogy in children with autistic traits
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Introduction. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents challenges in Physical Education due to difficulties in social interaction, motor skills and communication. Objective. To demonstrate the impact of collaborative learning on the dimensions of the PEA teaching-learning process in Physical Education classes. Methodology. A mixed sequential explanatory design was used, with a quantitative pre-experimental approach and a qualitative phenomenological analysis. Twenty-nine children participated (27 without special educational needs (SEN) and 2 with ASD), assessed on five dimensions of the PEA (social interaction, motor performance, cognition, inclusion, and teaching role) using a validated form (α=0.868). Data was analyzed statistically and by thematic analysis of interviews. Results. Significant improvements were found in all dimensions assessed (p≤0.05). Students with ASD showed progress in social interaction and inclusion, reflecting greater willingness to collaborate and sense of belonging. In motor performance and cognition, group activities facilitated their learning and adaptation. The role of the teacher was key in mediating, adapting activities and reinforcing positive behaviors. Conclusion. Collaborative learning is an inclusive and effective methodology that improves social, motor, and cognitive skills, promotes group cohesion, and reduces inequalities in ASP. These findings highlight the importance of the teacher as a mediator and validate collaborative learning as an essential tool in inclusive pedagogy. General Area of Study: Psych pedagogy. Specific area of study: Physical Education. Type of study: Original articles.
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