Bases for the creation of a virtual voice assistant for the hotel environment
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Introduction: Voice assistants have evolved significantly in a short period of time. Currently it is a very useful technology that provides a number of facilities that increases every day, causing it to be applied in any type of field. Hotel facilities are one of those spaces in which they are used, with numerous success stories reported. The opposite occurs in Cuba, where this technology is not commonly used and many facilities do not have the necessary conditions for its implementation. Objective: Propose the bases for the creation of a virtual voice assistant for the hotel environment. Methodology: The deductive method was used, since, based on a general analysis of those concerning voice assistants and facility automation, the particular issues of the proposed assistant were defined, such as its characteristics, as well as the hardware and software it will have. It is an applied, qualitative, documentary, field, longitudinal and explorative research. Results: The voice assistant will be developed with free hardware and software for the ease of working with them. It will work offline and by voice command so that it can be used anywhere and by anyone without impediments due to these issues. From a structural point of view, the device will be connected directly to the current and will have as components a transistor, a speaker, a power supply, a Raspberry Pi 3, a microphone and a relay with a transistor. It will use the Home Assistant platform as software, due to the benefits and usefulness it has at the time of use. Conclusion: The voice assistant meets a set of requirements that will make it a useful and flexible device for use in any tourist facility. Its structure has all the necessary components to fulfill the functions for which it was designed. It will have simple software for the user to use and that can be easily modified.
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