Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide concentration in the welding process with coated electrode

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Víctor Manuel Flores Andino
Juan Carlos Chávez Cascante
María Ángela Gómez Jaramillo
Juan José Pérez Insuasti


Introduction: Exposure to pollutants in the work areas of metalworking shops is a constant risk to which workers engaged in these activities are subjected. Objective: In the present case study, the concentration of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide was evaluated in the welding process of a continuous welding of a metal beam. Methodology: The methodology applied was based on the UNE-EN 689 standard, which establishes the necessary criteria for the sampling and evaluation of gases at threshold values. Almost instantaneous readings were taken, according to each variation of the data measured through the Auto-Plus 4-2 analyzer model Kane. The type of welding was SMAW, with coated electrode 6011 at 78A and 220V. Results: The results show that, the concentration levels of carbon monoxide, exceeds the threshold levels of exposure established by international organizations. Conclusion: Gas emissions should not exceed 30cm measured from the welding point, for which it is recommended to improve ventilation systems. General area of study: Engineering, Industry and Construction. Specific area of study: Welding processes.


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How to Cite
Flores Andino, V. M., Chávez Cascante, J. C., Gómez Jaramillo, M. Ángela, & Pérez Insuasti , J. J. (2023). Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide concentration in the welding process with coated electrode. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4.1), 88-102.


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