Analysis of the consumption of quinoa and its derivatives in the Riobamba canton
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In Ecuador, the production and export of quinoa has increased in recent years, on the other hand, when analyzing the consumption of this whole grain and its derivatives, it has been noted that ignorance of its properties has allowed people not to consume said product. The objective to follow is the analysis of the conceptualization of the origin, property and consumption of quinoa. Methodology: We apply a methodology of non-experimental design, transactional design, descriptive transactional, in addition they are articulated with qualitative and quantitative techniques, thus building tools to carry out a statistical analysis, in the results through the sample the tabulation will be reached and Dissertation of the data obtained that will allow us to design strategies, thus giving the conclusion of the proposed study that with different alternatives it is possible to improve and promote the commercialization of quinoa and its derivatives.
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