Detection of training needs applied to the tourism sector

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Diana Paola Salazar Andrade
Mario Rubén Guerrero Tipantuña
José Luis Núñez Muñoz
Wendy Sabrina Llore Chicaiza


Introduction. Tourism companies have limitations for the provision of the service in a timely manner, due to the lack of knowledge, expertise and experience in the labor field. Objective. With this precedent, the present investigation has as purpose the identification of the most relevant training needs for the providers of tourist services of  La Maná canton. Methodology. The study is based on a descriptive research that has taken into account the opinion of managers, owners and employees of a representative sample of 32 tourist establishments, whose information was raised through surveys and structured interviews to find out their opinion on the different areas of training. Results. According to the main results obtained, training needs are related to issues of customer service and attention, food handling, gastronomy and languages. Conclusion. According to the surveys applied in the canton of La Maná, it is evident that the limitations of tourist establishments are due to the lack of permanent training in the area.               


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Salazar Andrade, D. P., Guerrero Tipantuña, M. R., Núñez Muñoz, J. L., & Llore Chicaiza, W. S. (2021). Detection of training needs applied to the tourism sector . ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 6-21.


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