Determination of the horizontal and vertical stratification coefficient of the modified Berlyand equation for fixed sources in the city of Loja-Ecuador
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This research contributes to understanding the specific characteristics of the atmosphere in a locality to preserve and conserve people's health, ambient air quality, the well-being of ecosystems and the environment in general. Thus, the purpose of this research is to present the procedure and analysis carried out to obtain the horizontal and vertical stratification coefficient, and to determine the maximum concentration of pollutants from fixed point sources in the city of Loja - Ecuador, based on Berlyand's model. Through the research methodology, the predominant stability classes in the city of Loja were determined. Likewise, the average values of the dispersion parameters were determined. Finally, the value of the coefficient A of the Berlyand equation for the city of Loja was obtained analytically, whose value is 83.
Article Details
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