Automation of a variable wavelength controlled HMI ultraviolet light generator

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Jorge Luis Yaulema Castañeda
Paulina Fernanda Bolaños Logroño
Hector Bryan Mendez Gómez
Valentina Orquera


In the present investigation, the main objective was to perform a UV light wavelength control on a prototype, analyzing its optics, the reference of which is the Perkin Elmer 781 spectrophotometer, used in decontamination analysis of surfactant and photodegradation waters, to which the generator has been redesigned, determining the frequency range, reducing the environmental impact, through the implementation of HMI, whose applied methodology, to carry out the automation process whose application approach is determined through the graduation and decontamination photo of the water, presenting a redesign for the generation of UV wavelengths within the electrical and electronic part through Newton's interpolation, reducing the error to 0.05% least squares of 3.32%, optimizing the control of motors with an HMI connection, using which the generated wavelength is visualized facilitating the navigation and the control of the motors granting to the operator direct interaction with the equipment, obtaining as a result the improvement of the original system, varying the sensors and actuators to obtain wavelengths from 500 nm to 700 nm, which allows work to be carried out on the decontamination of water and the effectiveness of the system.


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How to Cite
Yaulema Castañeda, J. L., Bolaños Logroño, P. F., Mendez Gómez, H. B., & Orquera, V. (2020). Automation of a variable wavelength controlled HMI ultraviolet light generator. ConcienciaDigital, 3(2.2), 132-153.


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