Recovery of gold-bearing minerals through flotation, from the La Pangui sector, Chinapintza mining district - Ecuador
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This research work is divided into three phases, the same ones that serve to determine different metallurgical balances. The first phase includes grinding tests to obtain the desired grain sizes (84µm, 74µm and 67µm), later flotation tests are carried out with these sizes, finding the best grain size to be 84µm due to the efficiency of this recovery, 76.54% . The second phase consists of the variation of the pH of the medium in which the flotation takes place (8, 9 and 10), finding the best result at pH 10 with a yield of 88.19%.The third phase is performed with variations in the collector concentration (75g / ton, 50g / ton and 100g / ton) (Valladarez, 2018), resulting in the best recovery to flotation with the collector concentration of 100g / ton due to its performance, 76.54 %.
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