Behavior of Sexual Erectile Dysfunction with Acupuncture Treatment. Healt Centre Enterprise, Guyana. 2016-2019

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Francisco Mederos Pino
Fermina Mercedes González Pérez
Eugenio Rodolfo González Pérez


A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted in patients with some degree of sexual erectile dysfunction at the Healt Centre Enterprise in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, during the period October 2016 to June 2019, in order to describe the behaviour of the acupuncture method in this disease. The following variables were used: age, etiology, degree of sexual erectile dysfunction, clinical evolution, adverse reactions, and age of onset of the disease. The total number of male patients in the above mentioned clinic was taken as the universe, 2967 patients, and as a sample the 158 patients with sexual erectile dysfunction treated with acupuncture, through selection, by inclusion and exclusion criteria. A predominance was found in the 35-40 year age group with 98 patients for 55.00%, a time of disease evolution of less than one year with 98 patients (55.00 %), and a predominance of satisfactory response to treatment in 89.00 % of patients, with absence of adverse reactions in 83.00 %. We therefore concluded that acupuncture is an effective option for patients with sexual erectile dysfunction.


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How to Cite
Mederos Pino, F., González Pérez, F. M., & González Pérez, E. R. (2018). Behavior of Sexual Erectile Dysfunction with Acupuncture Treatment. Healt Centre Enterprise, Guyana. 2016-2019. Anatomía Digital, 1(1), 50-58.