La Prensa: from the genres of opinion to the construction of citizenship

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Freddy Javier Palacios Shinin
Antoni Neptali Vaca Cárdenas
Julio Adolfo Bravo Mancero
Wilmer Armando Guerrero Chacha


Introduction: this research work delves into the use of opinion genres in the editions of the newspaper La Prensa, Riobamba and its link with the construction of citizenship. It was defined as a research question: In what way does La Prensa's journalistic opinion proposal contribute to the strengthening of the citizenship of the readers of Riobamba? Objectives: The objective of the article is to identify the contribution of the printed medium through the axes that it manages and that have become projects that involve the participation of citizens. Methodology: we worked from qualitative methodology with content analysis and in-depth interviews as techniques. The population amounted to 1,440 opinion contents and a sample of 250 publications was used. Results: The results achieved maintain that the printed medium does contribute to the education of the city's inhabitants. Conclusions: The identification of the contribution of the print media through the thematic axes it manages, transformed into projects that involve the participation of citizens, underscores the importance of La Prensa in the construction of an active and conscious citizenship in the local community.


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How to Cite
Palacios Shinin, F. J., Vaca Cárdenas, A. N., Bravo Mancero, J. A., & Guerrero Chacha, W. A. (2024). La Prensa: from the genres of opinion to the construction of citizenship. Visionario Digital, 8(3), 32-56.


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