Contribution of the simulated integrating exercise for the initial training of the professional competence of the economic facts recorder.

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Elizabet Prado Chaviano
Ilvia Montalvo Palacios
Cecilia Celestrín Penabades
Liset Arencibia Díaz
Luis Efraín Velastegui López


The integrate exercises in the profiles of the graduated the accounting and finances career allow the nitration of content another components of the professional mode of action witch are externalize in the academic field through the process of teaching and learning of the subjects and contribute to the comprehensive training of learner. In this case, e proposal was made for simulated integrated exercise in the first year of the degree with the creation of hypothetical company and it is by ability, applying was learned in the subject of the year with and emphasis or recording the facts economics as a professional competence in their incial training from general accounting subject I and II of the accounting discipline.


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How to Cite
Prado Chaviano, E., Montalvo Palacios, I., Celestrín Penabades, C., Arencibia Díaz, L., & Velastegui López, L. E. (2021). Contribution of the simulated integrating exercise for the initial training of the professional competence of the economic facts recorder. Visionario Digital, 5(2), 170-188.


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