Financial evaluation of the production and sale of Eucalyptus globulus Labill sawn wood made with a circular and band saw

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Miguel Ángel Guallpa Calva
José Franklin Arcos Torres
José Pedro Suatunce Cunuhay
Hayron Fabricio Canchignia Martínez


Introduction. The need to know the economic situation of two production units of sawn wood, which have a production capacity already installed, motivated to develop this financial assessment of the performance in the process of transformation of round wood to square wood of Eucalyptus globulus, with the use of circular saw (sawmill A1) and circular saw plus band saw (sawmill A2). Objectives. Establish production costs and profitability for the sale of first, second and coastal boards based on the sawing systems used. Methodology. In this research observation and interview techniques were applied. The costs were estimated by grouping the components; production, administration, sales and financial level. The profitability with the calculation of gross profit margin (MBU) and net profit margin (MUN).

Results. The results show similar production costs when preparing first, second and coastal tables of E. globulus with values ​​of 0.29 and 0.27 USD / pt in sawmills A1 and A2 respectively. On the other hand, with the transaction of the three wood products, they generate a gross profit of 53.79%, 61.49% and as a net profit margin of 61 and 87 dollars respectively. Conclusion. The profitability of the two sawmill projects for selling first-class, second-class and coastal Eucalyptus boards generated gross profit margin values ​​higher than 50%, ideal for these businesses, and in the case of the sawmill A2 net profit margin As it is the highest at 26 USD, it is the best in reference to the A1 sawmill.


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How to Cite
Guallpa Calva, M. Ángel, Arcos Torres, J. F., Suatunce Cunuhay, J. P., & Canchignia Martínez, H. F. (2021). Financial evaluation of the production and sale of Eucalyptus globulus Labill sawn wood made with a circular and band saw. Visionario Digital, 5(1), 70-84.


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