Legal consequences in contract killings and their criminalization process
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Introduction: contract killing, understood as contract killings in exchange for remuneration, has experienced a worrying increase in recent years, becoming a serious threat to public security and the rule of law in various societies. The punishment, the consequences, and the classification of what is involved in committing and the intention to commit this type of crime are reflected in art. 143, art 430.1, art 567 (3), art 698, art 699 (2), art 305-a (a) of the Integral Organic Criminal Code (COIP), since many of these are present in these articles. Objectives: To identify the legal repercussions of contract killings in societies and the process of criminalization of this practice as a tool to combat it and protect citizens. Methodology: The investigation of the legal consequences of contract killings and their criminalization process is of a descriptive documentary type and the analytical method is used. The type of research is descriptive and situated at a micro-social level by focusing on analysis. The inclusion criteria include cases with a judicial sentence of the victims, perpetrators, and circumstances of the crime, based on the analytical foundations of the analyst. Results: This research aims to identify the varied factors that Ecuadorian society is currently experiencing and coping with as such, because of certain criminological factors will proceed to recognize that factors themselves have to do with the lack of competencies that are arising in due legitimacy. In this regard, they start by recognizing that factors within the judicial system and society itself are being violated so that all cases of contract killings are put aside and do not strengthen the punishment of the deceased. Conclusions: we must uphold the fundamental foundations for the correct use of the law, which must therefore be on a par with the people who are being violated in all their splendor in terms of the right to life. General area of study: Law. Specific area of study: Law. Type of study: literature review.
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