A legal approach to the administration of justice: Ecuador Purga Case
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Introduction: The Purga case reflects judicial corruption in Ecuador, exposing the vulnerability of the justice system to political and economic influences. This study focuses on analyzing this case and its impact on Ecuadorian society. Objectives: To examine the structure of the Ecuadorian judicial system, the development of the Purga case, and its repercussions on both public perception and institutional functioning. Methodology: Through a documentary review and qualitative analysis, this study investigates the corruption network involving high-ranking judicial and political officials, highlighting deficiencies in the control mechanisms of the judiciary. Results: The study reveals a corruption network within the judicial system that has led to a crisis of institutional legitimacy. Opportunities for comprehensive judicial reform are identified, but significant challenges, such as the loss of social trust and the risk of political instability, are also recognized. Conclusions: The Purga case underscores the need to strengthen the integrity of the Ecuadorian judicial system. The legitimacy crisis could serve as a catalyst for structural reforms and the promotion of citizen participation as a mechanism for oversight and the demand for justice. General area of study: Social Sciences. Specific area of study: Law and Political Science. Type of study: Analytical.
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