The impact of e-service quality on customer satisfaction and its impact on financial performance: the case of Ecuatek commercial company
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Introduction: In Ecuador, SMEs play a fundamental role in the economy by generating employment and boosting economic activity. Despite their contribution to development, they face challenges such as fiscal and export constraints, although their flexibility allows them to adapt to technological and social changes. Objectives: The main objective of this study is to determine the relationship between the quality of the e-service and the financial performance of the company ECUATEK (a company that markets technological products and digital services in Ecuador and shares of comex in countries such as Korea, Canada, the United States, Japan, among others). Methodology: in order to measure the quality of the service, the SERVQUAL Model was used through a quantitative approach, with exploratory and descriptive research in an infinite population due to the fact that the company has more than 100,000 customers; but a complementary population was also considered, which are its employees, therefore we worked with a participation of 14 employees and 384 customers as a sample. Results: Statistically, quality was measured in a cross-sectional manner, since the variable was not manipulated and the quality of the service was evaluated with surveys at a single time, while profitability was measured longitudinally in comparisons of different periods, using an exploratory factor analysis in order to extract the maximum possible variance from the data in each factor. Conclusions: The findings allowed to establish that the correlation between e-service and customer financial performance was not highly significant, showing a weak correlation with ROA (r = 0.023) and ROE (r = -0.500) and for employees a moderate relationship was shown with ROA (r = 0.354) and ROE (r = -0.354). It was revealed that the relationship between e-service quality and financial performance is weak in relation to customers and moderate in relation to employees. Despite the limitations due to the application of the study to a single company, it is suggested that further research could provide a more robust understanding of how e-service can contribute to the financial sustainability of companies, especially in the sector to which the company in the case study belongs. General area of study: business finance Specific area of study: finance. Type of study: original.
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