IFRS in the accounting processes of SMEs in the local environment Portoviejo-Manabí-Ecuador 2019
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Introduction: the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) responds in many countries to a need for standardized accounting standards. Meanwhile, each country establishes regulations that, in some cases due to costs, time and other reasons, have not been updated in a timely manner, hindering in many cases the proper management of information. Objectives: the objective of this research was to analyze the efficiency of the application of IFRS in the accounting processes of Small Size Enterprises (SMEs). Methodology: this work was non-experimental, cross-sectional, exploratory, and descriptive, a questionnaire of open and closed questions was applied to 10 SME accountants selected for convenience. Officials from control entities such as the Superintendency of Companies and the Internal Revenue Service were interviewed. Results: the obtained results were significant differences in the value for the accounting magnitudes, increasing these values after the adoption of IFRS, as expected in the approach of the hypotheses. Conclusions: it is concluded that this increase in values allows for more solid companies that favor a positive social impact, through the creation of both resources and jobs, therefore facilitating consumption and investment, which results in the adoption of IFRS. Study area: accounting, taxation, auditing.
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