Impact of the application of IFRS for SMEs on microenterprises in Ecuador
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Introduction: This article aims to determine the impact of the application of the International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs in microenterprises in Ecuador, given that microenterprises make up a large economic sector of growth and employment generation in Ecuador, that is why the State guidelines always seek the generation of more growth opportunities for them, denoting especially the creation of new jobs, that is why. Objective: To analyze the impact that had the application of the International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs in microenterprises in Ecuador. Methodology: A qualitative research approach was applied due to the analysis of research related to the topic of study. Results: The main results mentioned that the application of IFRS within a microenterprise entails several benefits in the short, medium and long term, thus generating that microenterprises have a better economic profitability Conclusions: According to the research carried out, it is concluded that the main incidences that IFRS accounting regulations have had for microenterprises are centered on the fact that the implementation of IFRS makes companies much more attractive to investors, more organized accounting, international communication, ease of reading financial statements, tax administration, business growth, financing, appetizing ventures and the acquisition of foreign investments.
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