Strategic administration in PYMES in Tungurahua and its impact on post-pandemic reactivation
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Introduction. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are those companies that are dedicated to various activities in the province of Tungurahua, annually invoice several thousand dollars for the sales of their goods and services, this sector was hit hard by the pandemic, therefore, Various management strategies were applied to keep them running. Target. Determine the impact of strategic management for the development of strategies and implement them in the most vital departments of any organization. Methodology. The population consists of 381 companies of goods and services registered in the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, to develop the research it was necessary to apply the descriptive method through a survey of the administrative staff, to give the level of reliability it was necessary to calculate the reliability coefficient known as Cronbach's Alpha, in turn it was required to develop a theoretical framework for which it was necessary to apply the bibliographic method to collect all the definitions detailed in the present investigation. Results. Thirty-eight percent of the companies in the province of Tungurahua conduct a SWOT analysis to develop strategies which are involved with the marketing, sales, production, administration, finance, and production departments, and 50% of these companies use indicators to prepare reports that allows to measure the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. Strategic administration is vital for the implementation of strategies and to be able to conduct activities according to the health reality faced by the province and the entire world. Conclusion. The pandemic caused innovation to be sought in the method of operation of any company, therefore, it was necessary to conduct analyzes and develop strategies based on the operation of each department, evaluate them through indicators and control them through statistical data.
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