Prior control practices to avoid corruption

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Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón
Doris Nataly Gallegos Santillán


In Ecuador in recent years, the commission of acts of corruption has been observed, especially in public contracting, which, for the most part, is subject to overpricing, which is why it is proposed as Objectives: Participate in special examinations of contracting of Certain work, through the Bidding process, having confirmed that there was a surcharge, a contract that was addressed from the authorities and members of the Contracting Committee, using out-of-time hours of attention to the public; and the second, by training small and medium-sized farmers, carried out through a public tender for lower-value offers, demonstrating compliance with the efficiency, effectiveness and economy policies established by the State Comptroller General's Office. Methodology: Applies the analytical method by having to examine in depth the internal characteristics of the object or phenomenon of study, define and adequately describe the problems that were studied and analyzed, in order to obtain the expected results. Contributions: This article aims to demonstrate that, through effective practices of prior control in public contracting with the participation of the Comptroller General of the Nation, acts of corruption that, at present, has become fashionable, can be avoided directly affecting the treasury national.


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How to Cite
Paula Alarcón, G. V., & Gallegos Santillán, D. N. (2021). Prior control practices to avoid corruption. Visionario Digital, 5(4), 42-57.


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