Incidence of teaching methodologies in the careers of administrative sciences offered by the public universities of the DMQ.
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Introduction: The diffusion of knowledge is part of the evolution and human development, in this space the higher education plays a fundamental role in the search, diffusion and construction of the knowledge. Several methods of teaching have been developed to allow the students to assimilate the learning. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the various teaching methods given by teachers to students at the undergraduate level, focusing the student's perspective on the methods applied by their teachers and the conception of learning. Methodology: This research is of a theoretical type based on documents, with the use of tools such as the application of surveys, giving an exploratory descriptive result, applying an analytical deductive method. Results: the most applied methods by the teachers are master conferences and problem-based learning, however, the case study and simulation methods are qualified by the students as the ones that provide better results for the learning capture. Conclusion: The results of the research were analyzed for the final year students of the Business Administration, Accounting and Auditing careers at the Central University of Ecuador and the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, and there are two important conclusions: the first is that the students do not have a correct interpretation of each concept of the different methods and therefore do not understand the difference between their application; the second is that the teachers do not look for new ways to reach the students and they are pigeonholed into the typical methods, for this reason there is no circumstantial difference in knowledge.
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